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FIDIC CEO’s Update – Issue 23: January 2022


Issue 23: January 2022
Dear colleagues

Happy New Year and welcome to issue number 23 of the FIDIC CEO’s Update, my regular round-up of the latest FIDIC activities, initiatives and events and the first update of a brand-new year.

Like last year, the start of 2022 sees the Covid-19 pandemic still very much with us. The Omicron variant of the virus has created more challenges for the world, with many countries reintroducing lockdowns and restrictions to reduce the spread of the virus. While the key to overcoming Covid internationally is the widespread global implementation of the vaccination roll-out.

Like most organisations across our sector, FIDIC is continuing to work on its 2022 plans and will adopt an agile approach to the events and activities that we are organising over the coming 12 months.
A key highlight of the year will obviously be the FIDIC Global Infrastructure Conference which we really hope will be able to take place as an in-person event in Geneva (see below) but as with all event planning currently we will need to keep our options open and we are exploring hybrid alternatives for the conference. The uncertainty of the past two years has taught us all to expect and plan for the unexpected and I am confident that the FIDIC management team under the direction of the board will continue to work in an agile and flexible way to ensure that we deliver on behalf of our members and the wider global industry in the months ahead.


Latest FIDIC Contract Users Newsletter published

The latest issue of the FIDIC Contract Users’ Newsletter, issue number 8, is now out and available for download. The eighth edition of this publication includes the latest FIDIC contracts news and a number of updates on how our contracts are being used across the global construction industry…Continue Reading

Events series for 2022

FIDIC’s new 2022 online events program will see attendees benefiting from another interesting and informative series of webinars over the next 12 months. The webinars, many organized by FIDIC’s committees, will highlight many of the key issues facing the global construction and infrastructure industry…Continue Reading


FIDIC Global Infrastructure Conference 2022 in Geneva

FIDIC Credentialing (FCL), the body providing a wide range of quality examination and certification services for global professionals working in the construction and infrastructure sector, has strengthened its management board with three…Continue Reading


FIDIC committee update

As my colleague John Gamble, president of ACEC – Canada, stated few years back, the FIDIC committees are the real engine room and ‘manufacturing arm’ of FIDIC and I would like to take this opportunity to thank all chairs, vice-chairs and members of our…Continue Reading


State of the World – Going digital and Covid lessons


FIDIC Credentialing (FCL), the body providing a wide range of quality examination and certification services for global professionals working in the construction and infrastructure sector, has strengthened its management board with three…Continue Reading


New members for FCL management board

FIDIC Credentialing (FCL), the body providing a wide range of quality examination and certification services for global professionals working in the construction and infrastructure sector, has strengthened its management board with three…Continue Reading


Upcoming FIDIC training programme

I am pleased to inform you that work is ongoing on the expansion and enhancement of our existing capacity building training programme to be delivered under a new brand as FIDIC Academy to be launched later this year. We are currently developing the new governance…Continue Reading


Infrastructure Global – new enews launching soon

I am pleased to inform you that work is ongoing on the expansion and enhancement of our existing capacity building training programme to be delivered under a new brand as FIDIC Academy to be launched later this year. We are currently developing the new governance…Continue Reading


Make sure that you sign up to the FIDIC Climate Change Charter

A reminder to all members and stakeholders to sign up to the FIDIC Climate Change Charter. This charter, which was developed following extensive consultation with members and stakeholders…Continue Reading


Updated contact telephone numbers for FIDIC

Finally, please note that FIDIC has changed its contact telephone numbers following the updating of our digital communications capability. The new main number is +41 22 568 0500 and individual numbers for FIDIC staff have also changed. For staff, please dial +41 22 568 05 followed by the usual last two digits.

Finally, please note that FIDIC has changed its contact telephone numbers following the updating of our digital communications capability. The new main number is +41 22 568 0500 and individual numbers for FIDIC staff have also changed. For staff, please dial +41 22 568 05 followed by the usual last two digits.

With best wishes,

Dr Nelson Ogunshakin CEng, FICE, FREng, OBE
Chief Executive, FIDIC

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