JBPM Notis Penutupan Sistem eFEIS (Separa Manual) Dan Pelaksanaan Sistem eFEIS 2.0
Half Day Webinar Pipe Jacking Innovations for a Sustainable Future
FIDIC Awards 2023
FIDIC Project AwardsThese awards recognise, highlight and reward the achievements and successes of consulting engineering firms across the globe and the important impact their projects have on social, economic and environmental quality of life around the world. Project submittals should demonstrate, in addition to the quality of the design and construction and positive economic impact, […]
MIDF Automation & Digital Forum
YOU ARE CORDIALLY INVITEDto the MIDF Automation and Digital Forum: The Journey Togetheron Wednesday, 1 March 2023 at 8:30 a.m. atSime Darby Convention Center Click on the link below to register:http://t2u.asia/e/18992
JBPM Surat Penjelasan berkaitan Undang-undang Kecil 194 dan 238 UKBS 1984 (Pindaan 2021)
JBPM Surat Penjelasan berkaitan Ketinggian Gelung Hose mengikut MS 1489-1:2023
One Day Seminar on ‘seismic Hazard and Risk Assessment for Large Dams”
CIDB Moment Talk CIS 22
scan to register
Pelaksanaan dan Penguatkuasaan Kadar Baharu Bayaran Pemeriksaan dan Pengujian Kelengkapan Menentang Kebakaran atau Pepasangan Keselamatan Kebakaran
FIDIC Asia Pacific Webinar on New Infrastructure Construction and Digital Transformation