About ACEM Directory

ACEM Directory

The Association of Consulting Engineers Malaysia Directory 2024/2025 is a valuable promotional and advertising tool. The useful information on the engineering services available in the region reaches key decision-makers of national and international administrative and corporate bodies all over the world.

The Directory, published annually, is a comprehensive publication of all relevant information on the Association, consulting engineers who are its members and engineering consultancy firms they practice with. It is a unique and excellent reference manual for government, public corporations, leaders of the industry, developers, builders and project managers. It is also an essential medium through which your products and services will receive the attention of decision-makers in trade.

The directory is circulated extensively. These include Individual and corporate Members of ACEM, Ministries and government Departments, Associations/Institutions pertinent to the building & construction industry, Embassies, Libraries, MATRADE offices worldwide, overseas trade commissions and Member Associations of the International Federation of Consulting Engineers(FIDIC) throughout the world.

Kindly be informed that the directory is available in flipbook format inside a USB Card, as shown in the image below. The flipbook is print enabled, but extraction of contents is not allowed. If you have any enquiry about this product, please call +603 6413 1503. Click the button below to buy the directory.

ACEM Directory 2024/2025